Join a seminar, retreat, or learning adventure.
Donna Glee has led hundreds of learning adventures based in hotels, in retreat centers, on buses, on hiking trails, and on canoe trips. Her topics and co-leaders have been even more varied, but her basic approach stays the same: experiential, respectful, inquiry-based, cross-disciplinary, and conducted in carefully crafted supportive communities of fellow learners.
Inquire about upcoming seminars with Donna Glee Williams:
A partial list of her seminars follows:
“One Amazing Year Program.” 18-22 September 2011. Co-leader with Kevin “Doc” Klein.
“On the Edge of Forever: Teaching Beyond Boundaries.” 25-29 July 2011. Co-leader with Diane Petteway.
“Is There a Children’s Book in You?” 20-14 March 2011. Co-leader with Joyce Hostetter and Carol Baldwin.
“Survival Spanish: A Language Immersion Experience.” 14-18 February 2011. Co-leader with Elise Witt.
“Your Story, My Story: Navigating Difference in the Classroom.” 7-11 November 2010. Co-leader with Patti Digh and David Robinson.
“You Go, Girl! Empowering Girls in Math, Science, and Technology.” 11-15 April 2010 and 2-6 May 2011. Co-leader with Liddell Shannon.
“Reading and Writing by the Sea.” 14-18 February 2010 and 4-8 April 2011.
“Narrative Images: Storytelling in the Age of New Media.” 6-10 December 2009. Co-leader with Sara Bauer and Tom McHenry.
“Stress, Health, and Learning.” 13-17 September 2009, 15-19 November 2009, 8-12 August 2011, and 9-13 October 2011.
“Women in Aviation: Pioneers of Courage.” 29 September-3 October 2008, and 14-18 March 2010. Co-leader with Betty Shotton.
“Picture This: Enhancing Literacy Through Photography.” 10-14 December 2007. Co-leader with Katie Hyde.
“Puppetry for Teachers.” 12-16 November 2007. Co-leader with Hobey Ford.
“Grappling with History: The Trail of Tears.” 15-19 October. Co-leader with Brett Riggs.
“Writing by the Sea.” 17-21 September 2007.
“Daring to Lead.” 30 July-3 August 2007 and 28 June- 2 July 2008. Co-leader with Diane Petteway.
“Celebrating Diversity Through Song.” !2-16 February 2007. Co-leader with Elise Witt and Beverly Botsford.
“Women of the Blues.” 30 October–3 November 2006. Co-leader with Kat Williams.
“Motown Music: A Rhythm for the Generations.” 19-23 June 2006. Co-leader with Ann Kilkelly.
“Environmental Tipping Points: A New Direction for Environmental Education.” 27-31 March 2006. Co-leader with Gerald Marten.
“Writing Poetry: Rhythms of the Heart.” 13-17 March 2006. Co-leader with Katherine Byers.
“The Age of Sail.” 11-15 April 2005 and 9-13 October 2006. Co-leader with Captain John Slater.
“The Visual Journal: Where the Image Meets the Word.” 30 January-3 February 2006 and 8-12 December 2008. Co-leader with David Modler.
“Songs and Tales of Whales and Sails.” 13-17 September 2004. Co-leader with Bob Zentz.
“Fiber to Fabric: Evolution of Spinning and Weaving.” 6-10 July 2004. Co-leader with Cassie Dickson.
“Caught Up in the Current: Traveling with Lewis and Clark.” 12-18 June 2004. Co-leader with Keith Edgerton.
“The Heart of Teaching.” 2003-2005, 2005-2007, and 2008-2010.. A two-year series of 8 weekend retreats. Co-leader with Connie Hanna and Diane Petteway.
“Through the Kaleidoscope: Order, Symmetry, and Change.” 8-12 September 2003. Co-leader with Scott Cole.
“Natural Rhythms of the River.” 9-13 June 2003. Co-leader with Peter Julius.
“Green Groceries: Edible, Medicinal, and Useful Plants.” 5-9 May 2003. Co-leader with Jim Horton and Ina Warren.
“The Learning Brain.” 7-11 April 2003. Co-leader with Hal Herzog and Bruce Henderson.
“Creating Successful Student Readers and Writers.” 3-7 February 2003. Co-leader with Sandra Worsham and Judy Franson.
“High-Elevation Ecology of the Great Smoky Mountains,” 24-28 September 2002.
“Life in the High Lands: The People and Land of the Southern Appalachians,” 9-13 July 2001. Co-leader with Harvard Ayers.
“Fiber to Fabric: Evolution of Spinning and Weaving,” 14-19 May 2001. Co-leader with Cassie Dickson.
“Nature’s Green Groceries: Edible, Medicinal, and Useful Plants,” 16-20 April 2001. Co-leader with Cyndi Rapenske and Jim Horton.
“Holocaust and Hope: The Dilemma of Democracy,” 5-9 February 2001. Co-leader with Mary Johnson.
“Support Seminar for Teachers Pursuing National Board Certification,” 4-8 December 2000, 17-21 January 2001 and 7-11 January 2002.
“Writing into the Wild,” 28 August-1 September 2000. Co-leader with Anne Vilen.
“A Gathering of Holocaust Educators,” 17-19 March 2000, 1-4 February 2002, and 19-22 February 2004, 3-6 February 2005, 2-5 March 2006, and 1-4 March 2007.
“Lift Up Your Voice,” 28 February-3 March 2000. Co-leader with Anne Vilen, Louise Kessel and Kathleen Hannan.
“Creatively Teaching Creative Writing,” 4-8 February 2000. Co-leader with Betsy Petersen.
“Autumn in the Woods: Experiencing Experiential Education in the Mountains,” 18-22 October 1999.
“Practical Plants: Edible, Medicinal, and Useful Flora of the Great Smokies,” 27 September -1 October 1999. Co-leader with Cyndi Rapenske and Jim Horton.
“The Time of Our Lives,” 28 June-2 July 1999. Co-leader with Patti Mitchell.
“From Fiber to Fabric,” 16-21 May 1999 and 18-22 June 2007. Co-leader with Cassie Dickson.
“Body Language: Writing Your Way Home,” 15-19 February 1999. Co-leader with Anne Vilen and Gene Smith.
“Trail of Tears: Grappling with History,” 19-23 January 1999. Co-leader with Lee Ann Potter.
“The Drummer, The Dancer, The Griot: Performing Traditions of Africa,” 6-11 December 1998. Co-leader with Gail, Joseph, and Sonji Anderson.
“Season of Falling Leaves: Writing Our Way Through Change, Loss, and Growth,” 12-16 October 1998. Co-leader with Anne Vilen.
“A Tisket, a Tasket: Basketry in Human Culture,” 8-12 September 1998. Co-leader with Doug Elliot.
“Living Archaeology: The ways of The First People,” 3-7 August 1998. Co-leader with Steve Watts and Suzanne Simmons.
“Rachel Carson: Pioneer in Ecology,” 5-9 April 1998. Co-leader with Mary McCay.
“Wings on the Wind,” 25-30 January 1998. Co-leader with Feather Phillips.
“Taking Laughter Seriously: Adding Humor to Your Life,” 1-5 December 1997. Co-leader with Steve Watts.
“The Thoreau Quest,” 7-12 September 1997. Co-leader with Dinty Moore.
“Southern Appalachian Woodslore, Weeds, and Wisdom,” 4-8 August 1997. Co-leader with Doug Elliott.
“The Natural Rhythms of the River,” 16-20 June 1997, 8-12 June 1998, 7-11 June 1999 and 11-15 June 2001.
“The Cowboy Life and Legend,” 7-11 April 1997 and 26-30 November 2001. Co-leader with Rick Slatta.
“Writing from Your Roots,” 26-31 January 1997. Co-leader with Anne Villen.
“Fire, Fiber, Stone & Bone: The Ways of the First People,” 9-13 December 1996. Co leader with Steve Watts.
“Teaching the Holocaust: Resources and Reflections,” 10-15 November 1996, 2-7, November 1997, 1-6 November 1998, 14-19 November 1999, 5-10 November 2000, 4-9 November 2001, 16-21 November 2003, and 9-14 November 2008.
“The Staff of Life: The Story of Bread,” 7-11 October 1996. Co-leader with John Slater.
“Go With the Flow: The History, Physics, and Practice of Canoeing,” 29 July – 2 August 1996. Co-leader with Gordon Black.
“The Haven-Finding Arte,” 15-19 April 1996. Co-leader with Burt Kornegay.
“Addiction in America,” 16-19 January 1996. Co-leader with Jon Glover.
“Rhythms in Nature and Culture,” 27 November – 1 December 1995. Co-leader with Beverly Botsford.
“The Silent Sisters,” 23-27 October 1995. Co-leader with Dr. Mary McCay.
“Taking Care of Yourself: Nurturing the Nurturers,” 22-26 May 1995, 7-11 August 1995, 24-28
June 1996, 14-18 July 1997, 13-17 July 1998, 26-30 July 1999,17-21 July 2000, 18-22 September 2000, 6-10 August 2001, 14-18 July 2003. 14-18 July 2008. Co-leader with Jon Glover.
“The Exploring Spirit,” 17-22 April 1995. Co-leader with Burt Kornegay.
“Writing for Your Life,” 3-7 April 1995. Co-leader with Betsy Peterson.
“The Roots of Country Music,” 13-17 March 1995, 16-18 February 1996, 18-22 March 1996, 24-28 February 1997, 22-26 March 1999 and 19-23 March 2001. Co-leader with Jack Bernhardt.
“The Shadow: Exploring a Human Archetype,” 13-17 February 1995.
“The Cherokee People,” 28 November-2 December 1994 and 13-17 May 1996. Co-leader with Davy Arch.
“Once Upon a Time: Stories From Our Own Lives,” 31 October-4 November 1994. Co-leader with David Holt.
“Exploring the Mind/Body Split,” 24-28, October 1994. Co-leader with Dr. Carter Delafield.
“The Mountain,” 19-23 September 1994 and 18-22 September 1995. Co-leader with Burt Kornegay.